A look at the work we will be engaged in and an invitation to join in
The past year of Leiden University’s focal area in Research Software has proven productive. We played a role in the creation of national initiatives, such as the NWO’s Practical Guide to Software Management Plans, as well as the development of international infrastructure, like eScience Center’s Research Software Directory. At the same time, our Research Software Community developed meetings and trainings to support the development of shared knowledge and practices in managing and understanding software in research.
As we embark on a new academic year, we have a number of projects and agenda items to develop further. This includes the creation of more resources for software management, trainings, events, and community gatherings. In addition, we will be contributing to university-wide practices and policies on software management and working closely with researchers, research software engineers, and data stewards to support practices in a diversity of disciplines and forms of research.
Our collaborations continue through a newly formed international task group on Policies in Research Organisations for Research Software, a forthcoming follow-up to last years Software Horror Escape Room, as well as national initiatives through the Thematic Digital Competence Center.
Most importantly, we continue to have space for our community members throughout Leiden to set our agenda. If you have an initiative or program that you would like to develop in regard to research software, our community is here to support you.
See you soon!